2009년 6월 3일 수요일

A physical examination for constription

Today, I have physical examination for constription the office of Military Manpower Administration in Daejeon. The examination time was 2 pm I thought yesterday. But when I checked examination time for little chance to misunderstand the time, then I know that check time was 8 am. It was already 9 am. So I took clothes roughly and ran to terminal and got on the bus. In the bus, I felt nervous because in korea law, if one do not examined in assigned examination day, they can go jail. When I get there, it was 10 already, so I asked if I can get examination. Then the officer answered in peaceful manner that It is nothing and you can get examination noon. So I feel relaxed and get that examination.

2009년 5월 31일 일요일

Kimchi-cheese-pizza-sweat and sour pork

Yesterday, I had studied in central library. But actually I can concentrate on my assignment, so I called to my friends to go to Kum-river. Perhaps the weather in the night can be cold, so I took the jacket and blanket. To the way of there, I bought a beer for me and a milk for one of my friend. on arrival to river, we sat in stairs and talked for long time. As time goes by, we feel hungry so we ordered Kimchi-cheese-pizza-sweat and sour pork. We waited it. Order is too many for them, so we waited about 1hour. We finally received it. Because it was so delicious that we ate it just 20minutes. It was happy day and also satisfied day.

2009년 5월 30일 토요일


After I meet just one friend in KNU's back door, we went to which is famous for the dish made of the ribs of chicken. In there, we talked about many things like the life of campus, what subjects learn and final match of champions league (FC barcelona vs. Manchester United). During talking, one of my friends joined. After dinner, we went to an amusement hall to sing a song. We sing songs which help to produce a pleasant atmosphere.

Difficult to meet friends

My high school friends came to kong-ju and we decided to meet at Kongju National University's back door in 5:30 pm. However, when I get there in 5:30 pm, there was only one friend, although there should be 3 of my friends. So I called them why they are not comming. One said that his ant died, so he went to kwang-ju. and the other said he is so tired that can't drink. another said that he join after having dinner with his parents.

2009년 5월 28일 목요일

a drinking party

A drinking party was held in mu-sa. It was the party that celebrates the ending of lecture. There were Professor Noble and Professor Anthony. In that night, actually I was attending the other drinking party. But it broke early than I thought, so I decided to go there to say hello to prof Noble. Because I'm the one who is freshman Noble only knew, when I entered, He welcomed me. After saying hello, I got to go library.


I didn't study enough to curriculum of our department. In that period when I do not study, I went to guitar club's room and usually played the guitar and Chatted with friends in cafe or campus. But as the final exam period comes, I feel some kind of nervous about not studying enough and about left undone assignments. So now I do homework and study which the day of exam is earlier. I regret about not doing any of departments assignment.

2009년 5월 26일 화요일

Kum river

Kum river is very comfortable place to meditation and relax. Across the river, there is gong-san castle which has many beautiful lights that attract many couples. Recent days, I have trouble in making good relationship with other people and fall into a dilemma. So I took my guitar and went to kum river. Sitting in a good viewing spot, I played the guitar and drink beer. I felt that I'm recovering my own good feeling.


May 23, English Education freshmen gathered for election of department president and vice- president of department. In restaurant, we have chatted light subject like who like who and who will elected for department president. After dinner, we went to a drinking house . We sat down in chairs and start to elect. after campaign, election was began. and Joo-hui was chosen for president and Eun-yeong was chosen for vice-president of department. I think that they can lead our dapartment well.

2009년 5월 25일 월요일

After so go ting

After so gae ting ends, I slept in bathhouse. I woke up in 6 am and take the bus to cheong yang where it is my hometown. When I arrived home, father and mother packed goods in vehicle. Also, I packed own goods but I have no idea that I went to climbing to chil-gap mountain. Finishing pack the goods, We went to mountain. In there, we met other families and went to climbing road.

so gae ting

I have so gae ting last week friday. so gae ting means some kind of meeting between man and woman for the purpose of love. I have big expectations so I went to cheon-an for plan the date course. In friday, I met her in front of Yawoori department. she was like a angel. her appearance and other things such as personallity, dress and behavior were those of angels. I dated with her about 6 hours. then she went to home, and I went to a bathhouse. It was very happy day.

2009년 4월 26일 일요일


These days, weathers change so variously that one day cold, next day warm, and the next day hot. And even now although its season is spring, it snowed in Kangwon-do. It's already april! and flowers bloom! As I saw in movies, the world might have been damaged badly. We should now become aware of damages to the earth, and protect the world from our garbages and emits. It must be hard because of superior persons but it must be done in near future someday.

2009년 4월 24일 금요일

The happiest day.

I actually expected that yesterday comes early. And it was come. Yesterday, I have dinner with a sophermore. And to talk with her to the way of restaurant, I decided to choose the farthest one which I went to in the past. So along with her, I talked about many things, and it was happy feeling that I have never been went through. After dinner, We head for to eat ice cream. And after eating it, we seperated to the other way. It took about 2 hours, but it feel like it was 10minutes. Ah, I'm now in deliberation how to make the reason to make her out with me.

2009년 4월 18일 토요일

I'm rather depressed today

I'm rether depressed today. I have given my interest to people who need love, but as soon they got their boy- or girlfriend, they abandoned me and didn't pay attention to me. And I give my love and attention to a girl who I love, but their responses are so insincere and they pretend not to recognize my interest. It is too harsh treatment. Even there's no one who can love me and pay attention to me. It's the most harsh thing in recent in living.

2009년 4월 16일 목요일

Bad movie.

Today, I watched a bad movie. I went to theater with a sophomore girl Han Hye In. I saw a film , although I already know that it has bad endings, but because of that I want to see it. In beginning, It has great CG effects and nice stories, but as time passed It became somewhat weird. Suddenly aliens appear and the earth exploded. Wow, it means nothing. I spent 7,000 won to see it, but It was not worth it.

2009년 4월 11일 토요일


I have a club meeting today. Today we have Mokkoji on the stairs which is place in front of the club room. In there, we roast pork with 14 peaple. In beginning, almost of them are so hungry that hardly the pork is roasted well when they pick them. But because club's boss expected it and bought much pork, so everyone in there has good lunch. And we sang together on stairs. Everybody that passing near stairs glance we're singing. It was very happytime to everyone in mokkoju.

2009년 4월 8일 수요일


Exam season is coming so fast that I can't recognize these days are exam season. Because I worried about the record, I start to study. I didn't study these days, so it was hard to concentrate on teaching materials. But I had to study Prof, Lim's book, and make a drill book. I hadn't make it at all that I should do unfinished 33 days work. It is quite hard that 1 day work take about 1 hour. I'm now doing that work although time is already 1 am.

2009년 4월 2일 목요일


Today is sophomore Shin Hyeon A's birthday. Yesterday, she said that she do not want to get present for birthday. But I bought a birthday cake. And I went to her boarding house to give a cake. I called her to give a cake. When I give a cake, she was happily smiled to me. It was so happy that she likes it. Although the cake was expensive to student, but the delight feeling was worth it.

2009년 4월 1일 수요일

Athletic meeting

Yesterday, I have participated in , <20 people 21 legs> game. Although practicing time was short our Department of English Education united to each other, and we have nice record in <20 people 21 legs>. Our team didn’t winning a prize in <20 people 21 legs>, but I’m proud about we didn’t make mistake. It was very fun to practice it. :) I have satisfied feeling that I don’t want to retry it. It was nice day.

2009년 3월 27일 금요일

Practice for a athletic meet

Today, I have no class. I want to rest whole day, but I shouldn't. I have to go a playground at 3 pm. In there, department of English education have practice for a athletic meet. I participate in <20 legs, 21 persons> game and game. Practicing it was not easy, because everyone should have to be like one. Pracing takes for 3hours. It was so long that most of us get exhausted. Now, I want to sleep.

2009년 3월 25일 수요일


I was some busy today. In morning, I should go to class. and I have lunch with sophomores in restaurant. Where we ate was good at making steak. It's atmosphere was very good and taste was also good. After Lunch I went to . because today had a party. In there, I talked with people. They were so humorous that I laughed continuously.

Hmm.. I'm now so tired that I should sleep.

2009년 3월 19일 목요일

Guitar practice

After dinner with my friend hyuk hwan, I attended a fixed period gathering of club. In there, I learned how to grab a code, and how to stroke. I practiced it repeatedly. And I played a guitar following the music, I sang it together. It was very good time. Learning guitar is hard thing. but when I can play a song, I feel delighted. In a gathering, many people attend. They are very humorous. I love that guys.

2009년 3월 18일 수요일


I had a dinner with a Sophomore. I went to restaurant. There I ate steak and cooked rice . And she ate a bowl of rice topped with kimchi and cheese. I have a talk with her about an hour. She has a part-time job, so she got to go. I want to stay longer with her but I could't. So I went her office with her. It was good, and I want to dinner with her again.